Our Premier Sources of High-Quality Food Ingredients
We are passionate here at Tupelo's about using the best, wholesome ingredients we can find. We buy as much as we can from local, sustainable farmers and producers...if it's not local or organic, we'll let you know! Here's a list of the farms we most often buy from in our corner of the world:

We are also proud supporters of the Red Hills Small Farms Alliance.
They are a non profit organization committed to helping small farms in the Red Hills Region. Check out all of their accomplishments and the Red Hills Online Market @ http://www.redhillsfarmalliance.com/
Seriously, this is an incredible resource for finding a diverse selection of local farmers and producers. All in our little corner of the world...how cool is that?!
Did you know?
Full Moon Farm is a local Jefferson County honey producer that has their shop right here in the bakery! They produce honey, make beeswax candles, natural soaps and lotions, and provide pollination services for area farmers. Their beekeeping philosphy is to maintain colonies as naturally as possible. They use essential oils and natural ingredients to help maintain hive health.
Come down to the bakery for lunch or a treat, and load up on some Full Moon honey while your at it!